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Why Is Evergreen Content Important Banner Image
Content Writing

Why Is Evergreen Content Important?

Why is Evergreen Content important? In the Internet Age when attention spans seem to be shrinking because of social media usage, the importance of evergreen content is in its lasting value for the specific audience in which it was targeted.

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Content Writing Facts and Myths Featured Image
Content Writing

10 Content Writing Facts and Myths

10 Content Writing Facts and Myths With content writing being a vital and vibrant aspect of contemporary communication, and as the digital landscape changes, the facts and myths about being a content writer changes, too.

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Content Writing Etiquette 101 - Featured Image
Content Writing

Content Writing Etiquette 101 

Content Writing Etiquette 101 Content writing etiquette refers to the accepted principles, practices and norms adopted by content creators in the production, presentation and publication of written material for traditional and digital media.

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